November 2010
There is quite a bit on our plate for the month, starting with the Art Under the Stars Art Walk on Saturday, November 6th from 5-8 p.m. Our store will open at 1 p.m. so our customers can beat the crowd. Paul and Susan will be greeting customers while Becky and friends will be demonstrating weaving. Make a day of it and get a jump on your holiday shopping.
There are a few openings remaining in Vävstuga Treasures for November 15-19th. Come experience a tranquil time where you will receive individual coaching, one project at a time. This unique opportunity allows you to step beyond your realm of experience, no matter what that level might be. You will be able to work in a concentrated manner on projects you select and Becky will be on hand to assist you as needed. Minimum enrollment is 2 consecutive days. Those remaining for the full 5 days may be able to do one or more projects. You can preview the stunning warps available on our Vävstuga Treasures page.
On November 24th we will begin to take reservations for our week-long open house, Holiday Vävstuga Days. This event is being offered Tuesday through Saturday, December 7-11th. The studio will be open each day from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and all of our looms will be decked out with festive towels and runners in plain weave. Little or no experience is necessary and ample instruction will be given. This is a terrific opportunity to introduce a friend to the joy of weaving. Each day we’ll host a teatime at 3 p.m. with Swedish cakes and cookies.