Plain weave, lace weaves, mixed setts, yarn combinations, treadled leno, and more
Instructors: Becky Ashenden, Eva Gaultney, and special guest Jenna Smith
Dates offered 2025: May 5–13
Curtains give any home that cozy welcoming feeling. Weaving your own presents a rewarding challenge. The sheer quality of the fabrics presents unusual obstacles, giving us the opportunity to introduce you to many techniques to assure your success. Special sessions with our in-house seamstress Jenna will give insight on turning your fabric into actual curtains.
On your own loom:
Choose your personal 6-meter curtain warp from our tantalizing offerings:
One shared loom:
- Treadled leno (beams two warps onto one beam)
- Mixed denting
- Inlay patterns

Extra projects
As time and energy permit, we will set up some intriguing curtain patterns that we choose from the 1923 Sigrid Palmgren weaving book.
Theory & drafting
- Lace weaves
- Uneven denting
- Pre-sley calculation
- Materials
- Setts
with Jenna
- Washing and pressing
- Planning and measuring
- Cutting and sewing
- Style choices
- Hanging options
- Tie-back bands
Mon – Everyone will settle in at their own loom and start threading their warps. Students will take turns setting up the treadled leno.
Tue – we will continue setting up the looms and start to weave.
Wed – We will start rotating on the extra warps, which will be all set to go.
Daily – Classroom sessions will
build on each other through the week, providing a thorough
exposure to many examples,
techniques, materials, and
Register now
Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)
Max enrollment: 4
Location: Farmhouse
Course fee: $1400 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)
Materials fee: by weight
Days offered: Nine-day session, Mon–Tue
Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exception: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.