Palmgren Daldräll Projects
Join our exciting book project
Choose one daldräll project from this 1923 vintage Swedish weaving book and be part of our team
Instructors: Becky Ashenden & Eva Gaultney
Dates offered 2025: Nov 17–21
Sigrid Palmgren, a respected weaving teacher 100 years ago, had a weaving school in Norrköping Sweden and published a broadly distributed weaving book in 1923, since re-published several times in different editions. When Becky first got hold of one of these books nearly 20 years ago her reaction was, “I want to weave everything in this book!” We have been working towards this goal since 2007, and are planning our own Vävstuga Press version featuring materials currently available. This is a rare opportunity to be part of our process. We offer eight intriguing pieces during this class week, using a tantalizing variety of techniques and materials. These gems will teach us all plenty, as have all of the other projects so far.
On your own loom:
Take this opportunity to explore daldräll in detail through weaving your own project, while also witnessing the varied projects of your classmates.
Two looms to share:
These will be projects on smaller looms that will add variety to your week.

Possible warp yarns
- 16/2 cotton
- 20/2 cotton
- 30/2 cotton
- 20/2 linen
- Fine singles linen

Theory & drafting
This is a rare chance to focus on daldräll in such depth. We will present the basic ground rules, then also talk about the variations, and about the differences between Swedish and American traditions of patterning.
More details
First come, first served
Only one of each project will be available. The earlier you sign up, the more choice you will have.
Setup options
We will beam your warp ahead. You choose whether we do some of the setup ahead of time—a good idea
for large projects in fine yarn.
Daily classroom sessions
- Daldräll structure
- Profile drafts
- Palmgren book samples
Register now
Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)
Max enrollment: 5
Location: Farmhouse
Course fee: $1100 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)
Materials fee: by weight
Days offered: Five-day session, Mon–Fri
Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exception: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.