There’s still plenty of space available in our 2015 Classes.
Some of our new offerings:
Linens: Seed to Cloth
Experience the entire invigorating process of growing flax, turning it into various types of linen yarn, both tow and line, and then weaving it into cloth.
Linens class
The Swedish Kitchen
Weave tablecloths, aprons, towels, and napkins of exquisite and complementary design.
Nordic Deflection
Explore multi-shaft structures that perform amazing grid-defying feats, using loom-controlled structures with interlacements that allow for movement, texture and curving lines.
Deflection class
Flamboyant Blankets
A special weft-faced technique produces a thick and luxurious blanket, with front and back sides showing two different colors and patterns.
Garn to Garment
Weave exquisite yardages in a variety of our beautiful yarns and sew something to wear.
Band weaving opportunities:
More Swedish Classics
A rare opportunity to delve into a whole smörgåsbord of projects including rep weave, bands, smålandsväv, lace, jämtlandsdräll, and ticking.
More Swedish Classics class
Vävstuga Treasures
An opportunity to receive individual coaching and create beautiful handwoven items that you might not tackle at home.
Backstrap Weaving with Laverne
Scandinavia meets the Andes: compare their different traditions of pickup band weaving. Becky is looking forward to taking this class herself; come join in the fun.
The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that a couple of our newest classes now have slightly different titles. We are so excited about some of our new offerings that as the ideas develop and improve, so do their names.