This month we celebrate all things Drawloom.
But first… if you are feeling spontaneous…Space available in June/July classes
Drawloom Weaving
Vävstuga is your place to go to experience Becky’s expertise in our Drawloom classes, to find a great assortment of books featuring Drawloom weaving, to purchase Drawloom equipment and tools and, of course, to find the highest quality yarns for these exquisite projects.Drawloom ABC and Drawloom Treasures class projects
We had wonderful students in our Drawloom ABC classes working on Single Unit, Shaft Drawloom, Combination, and Opphämta projects this spring, as well as some Drawloom ABC alums weaving exquisite Drawloom Treasures projects. Anything you draw on graph paper can translate into stunning woven pictures in damask with the single unit drawloom. The shaft drawloom creates some of the most pleasing designs that repeat themselves across the width of the warp by weaving damask with pattern shafts. For more advanced drawloom weavers, the “combination” system combines single unit patterning with the shaft draw.Drawloom Weaving Books & DVD
Weaving Books with Drawloom sections
These additional books offer chapters on setting up a Drawloom and especially on the beautiful Opphämta patterns. The Swedish Weaving Book: Project Planning, Loom Dressing, and Finishing, translated by Becky, includes several pages dedicated to a concise, but thorough, description of how to set up a Drawloom. Heirlooms of Skåne includes a beautiful chapter on Opphämta coverlets from southern Sweden. Reflections from a Flaxen Past: For Love of Lithuanian Weaving, by Kati Reeder Meek, includes many beautiful Opphämta patterns, including the one offered in our Drawloom Treasures session.Drawloom Equipment
Weaving on a Drawloom holds a well-kept secret – it’s not that hard! Yes, it does require more setting up of the warp, and you can learn in depth at our Drawloom ABC class. Once your loom is ready, however, it is easier to weave on than many other kinds of “regular” weaving projects, and with such exquisitely ornate and creative results.Attachments and accesories
From Shaft, Single Unit, and Combination Drawloom attachments, to Loom Extensions, Shaft Expansion Sets, and Drawloom cords, Vävstuga can provide the products and expertise to guide your purchase.Barnfest – June 8
Weaving Exhibit – Becky’s 30 year Legacy – See what Becky has woven during the last 18 months, as well as during her Swedish schooling in 1981. The exhibit will include over 30 items, large and small, representing the broad range of techniques that are taught at Vävstuga, including many Drawloom pieces woven on warps from our Drawloom ABC class. Textile Teasers at Barnfest: Spinning Circle with Deanna Moore & Justin Squizzero (see flyer). Register ahead for the MINI Workshops $10 each. Mini Music Workshops Knitting for Beginners, Ages 10 and up, 1:30 – 2:30 pm Visit our textile presenters: Katie Cavacco – Free Ramblin’ Kids Nur Tiven – Fiber Shed Carole Adams – Whispering Pines Farm – Fiber and Herbs Marti Ferguson – Walking Cloud Farm– Sheep, Chickens, and Wool Emily Gwynn – Hands to Work Textiles Justin Squizzero – The Burroughs Garret – Fine Linen Vävstuga Weaving School – Traditional Scandinavian Weaving Come throw the shuttle a few times on the Raffle Blanket, or try out weaving on one of our other looms. Festival details at: Fabric of Life website.Join us at Vävstuga for a great class, visit our store (Tues–Fri 9–3) or our web store any time, and check out our Facebook page and Ravelry group.