Hello weaving friends,
Happy Spring! It looks like we are on track for June classes, with just a few more details to nail down in the next few weeks. As soon as we have connected those last dots, we will reach out to our registered students from last year to confirm their interest and dates. We will then be able to open available spots to others. We understand that things are still changing day-to-day, for all of you and for us, and we promise to keep you informed. Hopefully our June newsletter will have concrete news about classes.
Annual Spring Online Yarn Sale
Yarn delivery on the farm!
Our online yarn sale has started and will continue for a couple more days, until May 8th at 11:59pm. Thank you to all of you who have already ordered! We appreciate your business very much!
As a reminder, the sale is for 20% off in-stock yarns and for online orders only. These will be processed in the order in which they are received.
We are always happy when yarn boxes arrive from Sweden! Tonya uses the “Bunny” to bring the yarn up to the store to load in.
Becky’s father, with his sense of humor, named the bright yellow ATV “Bunny Banana” when he first got it years ago. Over time the name shortened to “Bunny”.
Yarn price increase
Our yarn vendors in Sweden have increased their prices this year so we will need to increase our prices effective June 1st. We wanted to let you know so that you can shop during the last few days of our online yarn sale this week and stock up for summer weaving this month before the prices change!
Väv Immersion
8 week residential weaving intensive with Becky, offered through Fabric of Life, July 12-September 3, 2021.
Details and Brochure are available at these links. They are still accepting applications! If you have questions, you can email office@fabric-of-life.org.
Vävstuga Band Loom Attachments
We’ve already introduced you to the Vävstuga Band Loom.
We’re excited to now have two attachments to offer on our web store. Also, please watch the Band Weaving Videos at the links below for demonstrations.
Vävstuga Band Loom
Pattern Spreader
Lease Stick Holder
Pattern Spreader for Vävstuga Band Loom
The Vävstuga Bandloom Pattern Spreader, developed out of many years of band weaving experience, is the perfect tool for weaving intricate patterned bands with accuracy and ease.
Lease Stick Holder for Vävstuga Band Loom
We highly recommend that you also purchase our Lease Stick Holder for the band loom to use in conjunction with our Pattern Spreader tool.
We are delighted to have just received this new book from Finland: Tablet-Woven Treasures – Archaeological Bands from the Finnish Iron Age.
This book offers 56 band designs, from tiny finishing bands to spectacular belt bands, all based on tablet-woven treasures buried in the ground a thousand years ago. It includes illustrations of the original archaeological finds and details on a completely new tablet-weaving technique based on the thorough research by the authors.
Mosaik Warps-to-Go by Lisa Hill
Lisa and Becky have prepared 16 new and exciting colorways for Lisa’s stunning 8-shaft Mosaik towels in deflected double weave. Shown below are just a few of the many colorways to choose from, or you can pick your own colors to use in Lisa’s design.
Not to be missed on the Mosaik towels pages is a great video of Lisa demonstrating a deflected double weave selvedge technique. Scroll down to the bottom of any of these warp-to-go pages to watch it.