A family wedding at the Farmhouse and Barn provided an opportunity to use so many tablecloths. We give you a small peek here. Some of you may recognize these? Consider coming to weave a tablecloth of your own in Vävstuga Projects! In Projects sessions we offer a tempting array of plain weave tablecloths, along with an assortment of large tablecloths and fancy tablecloths for those of you who enjoy more challenge, and of course a vast range of other project offerings as well.
sample table setting for Saturdayupstairs view of Friday’s tableclothsbridal couple in decorated Barn empty of loomsa different scene in our backyard
Recent class activity
Our recent Sagas & Fluff class produced some beautiful designs.
Amy’s bound rosepathBette’s rya coverletNancy’s rya, flossa, and bound rosepathSagas & Fluff classJennifer’s rya and flossaToni’s rya, flossa, and bound rosepath
Surprise chicks
A few short weeks ago, one of our hens appeared in the yard with four freshly hatched baby chicks! No rooster in sight, at least for a couple of months. They have been a sheer delight for all who come here.
our chicken family