New class More Swedish Classics!
Introducing an opportunity to try out even more classic weave structures. This class features rep, bands, smålandsväv, jämtlandsdräll, ticking, and lace.
Expanded Vävstuga Treasures!
Come weave a rag rug, whether or not you have woven with us before. Bring a friend for a day to try out a simple project. A stylish Vävstuga tea-time will enhance our Wednesday afternoons.
Staff changes: Farewell to Susan Conover, Welcome to Linda Nilsson
It’s hard to believe that Susan Conover’s 5 promised years of unwavering dedication to Vävstuga have come to a close. The amount of time and thought and hard work she has put into making Vävstuga tick like a Swiss watch are truly incredible and we thank her for that! We are looking forward to building on this sturdy foundation with our expanded class offerings in 2014.
After 5 years away from her home in Ohio, Susan is returning to spend more time with family and friends in the beautiful Conover Homestead that she and Ernie have spent so many industrious years creating together. We welcome Susan’s frequent return to the excitement of Vävstuga as one of our treasured weaving comrades.
We welcome Linda Nilsson as a new staff member to Vävstuga. She will be answering your e-mails and your phone calls.