Rag Rug Techniques with Monica Hallén

Wonderful opportunity to study with a world expert

Instructor: Monica Hallén

Dates offered 2025: May 26–30

We are thrilled to bring you the opportunity to study with Monica Hallén, a Swedish expert in her field as a rag rug weaver and author of many rag rug books. She will guide you through several rag rug techniques as you weave on your own warp for the week in our Barn Studio.


  • Stripes
  • Meet & separate
  • Bird feet
  • Rosepath
  • Small mixed pieces
  • Woven hems
backgrounds & stripes
backgrounds & stripes
meet & separate
meet & separate

More details

Looms already beamed

We will beam your loom for you ahead of time with a 40 cm wide rug warp, 2.5 meters long.

Context & inspiration

Monica will start with a thorough introduction to the world of Swedish rag rugs, in order to give some historical background. She’ll help you understand the many possibilities and inspire you in the creation of your rag rug.

Thread & weave

Thread your loom for the week and sample the many techniques Monica has to show you.

bird feet
bird feet
rosepath & plain weave
rosepath & plain weave
weighing your rags
weighing your rags
woven hems
woven hems
plain rag rugs
plain rag rugs
mixed pieces, single color base
mixed pieces, single color base

Monica Hallén has unparalleled expertise in the history and weaving of rag rugs. She is a designer, weaver, and embroiderer, and (together with Ann-Kristin Hallgrén) author of a number of very popular books on rag rugs. She teaches at Sätergläntan, the world-renowned institute for craft and handwork in Dalarna, Sweden, and we are thrilled to welcome her to Vävstuga.

Monica’s books include:

  • I Trasmattans värld (The World of Rag Rugs), 2017
  • Älskade trasmattor (Beloved Rag Rugs), 2006
  • Alla tiders trasmattor (Rag Rugs for Everyday), 1999
  • Så fint med trasmattor (Wonders with Rag Rugs), 1995

Monica posts inspiring images on her Instagram.

Monica Hallu0026eacute;n

Register now

Prerequisites: none

Max enrollment: 12

Location: Barn Studio

Course fee: $1100 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)

Materials fee: $95

Days offered: Five-day session, Mon–Fri

Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Once a session begins, the Barn studio is available at all hours. Exception: on the last day, instruction and Barn access end at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.

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