Registration for 2025 classes opens at noon ET on Tue, Jan 21

Cancellation policy


Vävstuga will refund 50% of your deposit if you cancel more than 30 days before the beginning of the class. Cancellation with less than 30 days’ notice results in forfeiture of your entire course fee. However, if we are able to fill your slot from our waiting list, we will refund the course fee, less the deposit amount.


If you are cancelling more than 30 days before your class begins, and we are able to enroll you in an alternate class at the time of your cancellation, we may be able to roll your deposit over to that new class. This accommodation can only be used once and must be applied to a class that is already scheduled. If there is no alternative class available, we will refund 50% of your deposit.

For Vävstuga Projects sessions only, options if you cancel less than 30 days ahead:

  1. Reschedule, and pay a minimal fee for storing any pre-threaded warp beam.
  2. Pay for the warp and any loom setup (if applicable, including time spent removing the warp from the loom). We chain off the warp and send it to you, along with the project sheet.

If we cancel

If Vävstuga needs to cancel a class, all deposits and class fees you have paid will be rolled over toward another class, or can be kept as credit to use for store purchases. You may also choose to receive a refund, by credit card or check.