Swedish Classics

Builds on the techniques taught in Vävstuga Basics and has a similar format.

Project planning & calculating, warp winding tips & tricks

Instructors: Becky Ashenden & Eva Gaultney

Dates offered 2025: Jul 14–18, Jul 21–25

An in-depth study of several classic weave structures commonly found in traditional Swedish handwoven textiles makes this class the logical next step after Vävstuga Basics. Students will go home with a greatly enhanced feeling of confidence in all aspects of their weaving, as well as gaining new experience with a wide variety of our beautiful cotton, linen, and wool yarns, and even the opportunity to weave on a drawloom.

5 packed days, 5 projects

Tablecloth in tow linen – Your warp will be wound and pre-sleyed ahead in your color choices, and we will start by beaming all the linen tablecloth warps as a group, followed by a review of threading, sleying and tying up the loom.

Monksbelt runner – Two pattern blocks on a plain weave linen ground, set up and ready to go using wool or linen weft

Rosepath bag or belt – Ornate patterning with so many color possibilities. Once the tablecloths are woven, those looms will be magically set up to weave rosepath.

8-shaft twill – Explore multiple treadling variations. Loom will be set up and ready. Cotton and linen.

Drawloom optional – We will have our new Julia drawloom set up and ready for you to explore.

tow tablecloths
tow tablecloths
tablecloth closeup
tablecloth closeup
monksbelt closeup
monksbelt closeup


Setup day

In this five-day class, each student spends the first day dressing their own loom, starting with beaming all the warps as a group. We will send instruction on choosing your personal warp colors.

Topics include:
  • Beaming review
  • Special tips for linen
  • Comfort while threading the heddles and sleying the reed
  • Efficiency and accuracy of the Vävstuga tie-up system in review
8-shaft twill
8-shaft twill
rosepath closeup
rosepath closeup
twill variant
twill variant


Weaving days

We will focus on the tablecloth projects to start with, and then move onto the other projects as time allows.

Topics include:
  • Handling multiple shuttles
  • Weaving on a single ply linen warp
  • Gaining confidence with multiple treadles and blocks
  • Noting the differences between tie-up systems
  • Review of using a temple
  • Weaving on a drawloom
  • Hemming your linens
design classes
design classes
yarn samples
yarn samples


Classroom learning

A review of drafting as it relates to all of our projects, and other valuable information that can’t fit in our Basics week.

Classroom topics include:
  • Record-keeping, in the form of a detailed project sheet for each of our five projects
  • Drafting of monksbelt, rosepath, twill and satin structures
  • Drafting with blocks
  • Yarn sample cards, with multitudinous woven pieces to show how each of our many yarns are used
  • Sett theory, including a very detailed sett chart
  • Pre-sley calculation
sett theory
sett theory
design classes
design classes

Register now

Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)

Max enrollment: 4

Location: Barn Studio

Course fee: $1100 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)

Materials fee: $100

Days offered: Five-day session, Mon–Fri

Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Once a session begins, the Barn studio is available at all hours. Exception: on the last day, instruction and Barn access end at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.

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