
Plain weave, lace weaves, mixed setts, yarn combinations, treadled leno, and more

Special one-time opportunity — join us as we weave these beautiful gamps to display in our store

Instructors: Becky Ashenden, Eva Gaultney, and special guest Jenna Smith

Dates offered 2025: May 5–13

Curtains give any home that cozy welcoming feeling. Weaving your own presents a rewarding challenge. The sheer quality of the fabrics presents unusual obstacles, giving us the opportunity to introduce you to many techniques to assure your success. Special sessions with our in-house seamstress Jenna will give insight on turning your fabric into actual curtains.


On your own loom:

Choose your personal 6-meter curtain warp from our tantalizing offerings:

One shared loom:
  • Treadled leno (beams two warps onto one beam)
  • Mixed denting
  • Inlay patterns
honeycomb curtain
honeycomb curtain
leno close-up
leno close-up
treadled leno curtain
treadled leno curtain
doup leno shaft
doup leno shaft

Extra projects

As time and energy permit, we will set up some intriguing curtain patterns that we choose from the 1923 Sigrid Palmgren weaving book.

Palmgren book cover
lace #1 closeup
lace #1 closeup
fishnet closeup
fishnet closeup
Stramaj closeup
Stramaj closeup
Gudrun's closeup
Gudrun’s closeup

Theory & drafting

  • Lace weaves
  • Uneven denting
  • Pre-sley calculation
  • Materials
  • Setts
red & white closeup
red & white closeup
honeycomb closeup
honeycomb closeup


with Jenna
  • Washing and pressing
  • Planning and measuring
  • Cutting and sewing
  • Style choices
  • Hanging options
  • Tie-back bands
Elmside curtain
Elmside curtain
monksbelt pick-up, back
monksbelt pick-up, back


Mon – Everyone will settle in at their own loom and start threading their warps. Students will take turns setting up the treadled leno.

Tue – we will continue setting up the looms and start to weave.

Wed – We will start rotating on the extra warps, which will be all set to go.

Daily – Classroom sessions will
build on each other through the week, providing a thorough
exposure to many examples,
techniques, materials, and

Palmgren inlay border
Palmgren inlay border
Palmgren 1
Palmgren 1
Palmgren 9
Palmgren 9
Pa's curtain detail
Pa’s curtain closeup
Palmgren 5
Palmgren 5
Palmgren 17
Palmgren 17

Register now

Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)

Max enrollment: 4

Location: Farmhouse

Course fee: $1400 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)

Materials fee: by weight

Days offered: Nine-day session, Mon–Tue

Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exception: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.

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