
Complicated patterning on a simple two-harness setup

Special one-time opportunity — join us as we weave these beautiful gamps to display in our store

Instructors: Becky Ashenden & Eva Gaultney

Dates offered 2025: Nov 3–11

Also known by its Norwegian name of skillbragd, Smålandsväv intrigues nearly every weaver who is introduced to it. The rich and complex patterning achieved with a fairly primitive and deceptively simple tie-up opens the doors to a whole new world. This technique uses two sets of shafts, pattern shafts with long-eye heddles at the front, and two or more ground shafts at the back of the loom. It is sometimes called “treadled opphämta” because the patterning is a similar style to opphämta woven on a drawloom—made up of pattern floats on a plain weave ground—but is achieved completely by treadling with your feet.


On your own loom:

Your personal loom will be beamed ahead with 33/2 cottolin in a color of your choice. We will coach the planning of your project—anything from a modest runner to a full-fledged coverlet in 2 panels.

Two shared looms:

These beautiful projects are from the Sigrid Palmgren book from 1923.

Palmgren 8-shaft pattern
Palmgren 8-shaft pattern
Palmgren 4-shaft pattern
Palmgren 4-shaft pattern
3 columns of patterns
3 columns of patterns

In the classroom

  • How many pattern shafts?
  • Choosing a pattern
  • Designing the treadling
  • Designing 2 blocks on 8 shafts
  • Cutting innertube strips for your own tie-up
  • Comparing the Swedish and Norwegian traditions
  • Variations in unit size
  • Determining how many shafts you would need on a “regular” loom
basic and beautiful
basic and beautiful
basic and beautiful, closeup
basic and beautiful, closeup


Mon – We will start by threading the
two ground shafts in plain weave and planning your project—anything from a modest runner to a full-fledged coverlet.

Tue – Threading the pattern heddles will be followed by the rest of the loom setup. Designing complex patterning will be made easy with the right tools.

Wed – Drafting theory, tie-up. Making good sheds with this unique and simple setup using very simple tools. Weaving may begin.

Thu – We delve into designing with two blocks, and continue weaving.

Fri – We make sure all is in order for a productive weekend.

Mon – We share warps, samples, and project sheets to broaden everyone’s experience.

narrow and lovely
narrow and lovely
playful borders
playful borders
warm and woolly
warm and woolly
narrow and lovely, closeup
narrow and lovely, closeup
quick and easy
quick and easy
Roy's coverlet, closeup
Roy’s coverlet, closeup

Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)

Max enrollment: 5

Location: Farmhouse

Course fee: $1400 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)

Materials fee: by weight

Days offered: Nine-day session, Mon–Tue

Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exception: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.

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