Complicated patterning on a simple two-harness setup
Instructors: Becky Ashenden & Eva Gaultney
Dates offered 2025: Nov 3–11
Also known by its Norwegian name of skillbragd, Smålandsväv intrigues nearly every weaver who is introduced to it. The rich and complex patterning achieved with a fairly primitive and deceptively simple tie-up opens the doors to a whole new world. This technique uses two sets of shafts, pattern shafts with long-eye heddles at the front, and two or more ground shafts at the back of the loom. It is sometimes called “treadled opphämta” because the patterning is a similar style to opphämta woven on a drawloom—made up of pattern floats on a plain weave ground—but is achieved completely by treadling with your feet.
On your own loom:
Your personal loom will be beamed ahead with 33/2 cottolin in a color of your choice. We will coach the planning of your project—anything from a modest runner to a full-fledged coverlet in 2 panels.
Two shared looms:
These beautiful projects are from the Sigrid Palmgren book from 1923.

In the classroom
- How many pattern shafts?
- Choosing a pattern
- Designing the treadling
- Designing 2 blocks on 8 shafts
- Cutting innertube strips for your own tie-up
- Comparing the Swedish and Norwegian traditions
- Variations in unit size
- Determining how many shafts you would need on a “regular” loom
Mon – We will start by threading the
two ground shafts in plain weave and planning your project—anything from a modest runner to a full-fledged coverlet.
Tue – Threading the pattern heddles will be followed by the rest of the loom setup. Designing complex patterning will be made easy with the right tools.
Wed – Drafting theory, tie-up. Making good sheds with this unique and simple setup using very simple tools. Weaving may begin.
Thu – We delve into designing with two blocks, and continue weaving.
Fri – We make sure all is in order for a productive weekend.
Mon – We share warps, samples, and project sheets to broaden everyone’s experience.
Register now
Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)
Max enrollment: 5
Location: Farmhouse
Course fee: $1400 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)
Materials fee: by weight
Days offered: Nine-day session, Mon–Tue
Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exception: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.