Becky and Leni just returned home from a delightful and productive trip to Sweden where they visited with many of our valued colleagues, suppliers, and dear friends.
Becky, Birgitta och Greta
During this special visit, Becky was able to reconnect with Greta Johansson, who was the headmaster at Sätergläntan weaving school for 15 years during the 80’s and 90s, and with Birgitta Thuresson, who showed Becky Sätergläntan for the first time in 1980.
“Fika” with Greta
Greta served an elegant “fika” (Swedish coffee-time), followed by a delicious dinner, and was enthusiastic to hear and see pictures of Vävstuga in the USA, all at the age of 89!
Greta’s handspun linen damask
Becky was able to thank Greta in person for the inspiration to create her own weaving school, and showed brochures of Vävstuga through many years, as well as the most recent Vävstuga Press publication, Heirlooms of Skåne.Greta also showed them a beautiful hand spun damask tablecloth in linen. So inspiring!
On this video on our youtube site, you can watch Becky and Greta having a lovely conversation.
Becky and Leni very much enjoyed their most recent tour of the Glimåkra Sweden factory and their meetings with Bengt, Jan-Olof, and the rest of the wonderful staff there.Thomas, Becky, Ann-Kristin
They also had a wonderful visit with Thomas and Ann-Kristin of Texsolv. Becky and Leni were very impressed by the newest texsolv product – a large-scale cord strong enough for industrial applications. We hope it catches on in the US! You can see a glimpse of it around a log in the picture behind Ann-Kristin.
Becky och Karin
Finally, Becky was so happy to reconnect and visit with Karin Myrehed – maker of Myrehed drawloom attachments – and to share their mutual passion for playing Swedish fiddle music.
Check out the video of them playing together on our youtube site!
All in all, a wonderful trip that reflects Becky’s deep and authentic connection to the people and weaving traditions of Sweden and her commitment to carrying on that tradition and sharing the joy via Vävstuga!
New Book Available in our store
The Gartner Manuscript is now available on our webstore!
Professional weaver Franz Xavier Gartner came to America from Germany in 1832 and brought this book of his father’s patterns with him. It was found after being stored and forgotten for 90 years.
The collection of block patterns for weaving is a gold mine for those who enjoy weaving the innumerable structures that use blocks, including rep, overshot, double weave, twill blocks, lace weaves, jämtlandsdräll (crackle), and M’s and O’s, just to name a few.
Upcoming Classes:
The Swedish Kitchen class
Just one space left in the May 23-26 Swedish Kitchen class. An opportunity to weave and sew an apron with bands and pockets and more, a table square, runner, dish towels, potholders, napkins, place mats. You can create an array of beautiful items for your kitchen and all in your own colors!
Basket Weaving class
Sign up for the one-day Basket Weaving Workshop at Vävstuga! Details are online.
Spend a wonderful day, Saturday, July 8th, with award-winning basket maker, Wendy Jensen.
New Treasures Project
Becky has designed a new Rep Rug Treasures project that is just fantastic!
We might have a 2- or 4-day slot for the Rep Rug during this April’s Treasures session. Also available September, October, and November Treasures!
Due to demand we have added an additional warp for the Blue & White Rep Placemats Treasures project!
Check the Treasures class projects page for available dates.
New Favorites Projects coming soon!
Due to popular demand, and Becky’s endless creativity, we are adding new Favorites projects that will be posted soon. Check out the class web page for the new, nearly no end of, napkins! Stay-tuned for our next monthly Newsletter for more Rep projects that will be available in our Vävstuga Favorites class too! Lots of opportunities to weave Rep at Vävstuga!
More Swedish Classic pictures on Facebook
Finally – visit (and like) our Facebook pageto see pictures from the recent More Swedish Classics class. Some wonderful projects were woven and a good time was had by those who joined us for this class!
We hope to see you in 2017!
Join us at Vävstuga for a great class, visit our store (Tues–Fri 9–3) or our web store any time, and check out our Facebook page and Ravelry group.