Happy December and Happy Holidays to all!
We hope that all of our wishes for a healthy and happy New Year come true!
We will be closing for the year on Wednesday, December 16th and reopening on Monday, January 4, 2021.
Our Store has Moved!
Our big news this month is that our inventory has now moved into our new store (what was once the Flax House for those of you who have visited us here).
Becky made multiple trips with her van this week and Tonya was busy putting the yarns and books on shelves, in addition to filling orders as usual.
There is more work to do, but it’s looking and feeling pretty cozy and busy. We look forward to having many of you here in person as soon as the time is right.
As a matter of interest, this little building that has been our Flax House in recent years was also Becky’s place of residence in her 20s.
Located just behind her parents’ farmhouse and heated by an old wood stove, Becky began her illustrious career in this cozy space.
This photograph of her weaving on her loom in this building was taken in the early 80s.
Future attractions:
Online Instruction
Becky has been making progress on her Basics class video. Most of the footage is done, as well as much of the first round of editing. There are bound to be several more rounds (as anyone who has gone through this process knows). This will be valuable to any new weavers, but also of interest to those who have already taken our Basics class in the past as it will provide a wonderful review. We are hoping to have some of our initial content available on the web store by January.
Other online videos will include Becky’s older videos “Dressing Your Loom the Swedish Way” and “Dressing Your Swedish Drawloom”. It feels good to finally be making progress on this front, as we know many of you do not have DVD players anymore. Becky remembers in her early 30s how exciting it was to have these videos available on VHS.
Weaving Retreats
We had hoped to offer some Winter and Spring Weaving Retreats here at the Farmhouse, but we really need to see how everything is proceeding in the upcoming months. If you would be interested in this opportunity, feel free to write to us so we can reach out to you when we know more. We will only make this opportunity available if we can guarantee safety for everybody.
Staff News
As the pandemic has carried on longer than any of us had hoped or expected, some of our staff have needed to take on new pursuits.
Tonya continues to be your main point of contact at the store and via email and phone. You can reach her more directly by using the orders@vavstuga.com email, although she will be checking the office email, as well.
Tonyawrites: “Praying this letter finds you well and that you are enjoying your weaving endeavors. The past few months I have been helping Becky pack up and move the store to the farm location. I am now settling into Vävstuga’s new store here on the farm property (old flax house) and cannot wait to have store visitors! Merry Christmas!”
Bettie writes: “With reduced hours due to the pandemic, I have taken a new position as a Contact Tracer with the MA Community Tracing Collaborative led by Partners in Health. I bring my professional background in public health research to this work and I hope to make a contribution to slowing the spread of Covid-19 in the state. I will continue to work a few hours each week managing the financial side of Vävstuga for the time being, as well as continuing to work as a Technical Editor for Handwoven magazine and WEBS. Suddenly, it will be a very busy time after a rather quiet fall! I have so missed seeing and talking/emailing with all of you in our weaving community and look forward to reconnecting in the new year as the pandemic gets under control. I hope all of you and your loved ones stay safe and well and have a carefully wonderful holiday season!”
Kim writes: “Since this pandemic started.. its been a bit crazy.. all the ups and downs and all arounds. I have been biding my time waiting to get back to cooking at Vävstuga. I have missed my work family and look forward to seeing everyone soon. I hope by springtime things will have calmed down and we all can get back to some sense of normal. During this time so many of us are reflecting on what’s truly important. Making changes to our lives to keep afloat.. etc. even I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone a bit. My silver lining is that I have been painting more frequently and even hope to sell on a regular basis out of my studio. Time will tell if I can pull it off, and I am grateful for that time and am trying to make the best use of it. I hope everyone has found a silver lining in all of this craziness and I wish you all a happy holiday season! Warmly, Kim”
Katie writes: “I am thankful to be able to continue my Free Ramblin’ Kids work in a great studio I started renting at the beginning of the year. Although my typical craft fair season was all but cancelled, a handful of small makers markets and local shops have offered some much appreciated normalcy. Also, after many years of dreaming and scheming, I am excited to be taking steps to build a tiny house on wheels in Summer 2021, with the help of Yestermorrow Design/Build School.”