Special sale at our Barnfest this Saturday, June 11, from 12:30-4:00. Goodies for weavers include 2.5 meter warping mills, Glimåkra band looms, and books galore — see the flyer for more info.
Barnfest boutique flyer
First come, first served; contact us. Note that in Swedish Classics we now offer an introduction to the drawloom, offering the same warp that Tonya wove her infamous alphabet on.
Tonya’s infamous drawloom alphabet
Join us this Saturday, June 11, from 1pm until the wee hours.
After two years of cancellation, we are once again inviting folks to our beautiful Farmhouse property for this festival, which is meant to be our annual fundraising event for our sister nonprofit Fabric of Life. In addition to our Bargain Boutique mentioned above, there will be a welcoming Spinning Circle Extravaganza, so bring your wheel! Among other offerings, there will be an opportunity for folks to weave on floor looms, pet baby ducklings, watch glassblowing, and engage in a variety of enticing mini workshops.
See Fabric of Life’s Barnfest page to learn more, and to sign up for mini workshops.
Barnfest flyerSpinning Circle flyer
Väv Immersion celebration
We are so proud that our fifth cohort has just finished this year’s 8-week immersive residential weaving class. Our fabulous and diverse group of four students worked incredibly hard and learned a tremendous amount. Last week we hosted a Grand Exhibition for the public to meet our students, celebrate their accomplishments, and share yummy snacks.
Väv Immersion: proud 2022 cohortVäv Immersion: Angela’s weavings
Recent classes
We also had two Vävstuga Basics classes in May. Check out their beautiful color combos.
celebratory Basics group, May 2022Basics, pink gradient warpBasics, greens and bluesBasics, red to green