Rep Rally

Comprehensive overview of multitudinous variations

Scandinavian rep weaves take on an astounding number of forms

Instructors: Becky Ashenden & Eva Gaultney

Dates offered 2025: Jun 23–27

Rep weave decorates many Swedish homes in the form of runners, placemats and rugs. Its warp-faced feature gives it a bold and crisp appearance. Based on the plain weave structure, the techniques are varied and plentiful. You might use opposite blocks or individual blocks, open or tight setts; you might try strange variations or employ a multitude of materials. Choose your main project from our plentiful assortment of weaving levels from two to ten treadles. Extra projects expand your knowledge and experience.


On your own loom:

Choose your main warp from these options. You’ll also choose your own colors.

Shared looms:
  • Sparse & Dense with straw and rags
  • New 4-shaft design
bumblebee black side
bumblebee black side
open rep with straw and rags
open rep with straw and rags
bumblebee yellow side
bumblebee yellow side
new 4-shaft designs
new 4-shaft designs

Theory & drafting

  • Warp-faced
  • Open rep
  • Counterbalance vs. countermarch
  • Multiple blocks
  • Profile drafts
4 shafts, 4 blocks, 4 treadles
4 shafts, 4 blocks, 4 treadles
8 shafts, 4 blocks, 8 treadles
8 shafts, 4 blocks, 8 treadles


  • Paper strips
  • Cut and glue
  • Wrappings
  • Colored pencils
  • Color profiles

Materials & setts

  • 8/2 cotton
  • 16/2 cotton
  • Rags
  • Straw
4 shafts, 4 blocks, 4 treadles
4 shafts, 4 blocks, 4 treadles
2 shafts, 4 blocks, 2 treadles
2 shafts, 4 blocks, 2 treadles


Mon – Everyone will settle in at their own loom and start pre-sleying their warps.

Tue – We will continue setting up the looms and start to weave.

Wed – We will start rotating on the extra warps, which will be all set to go.

Daily – Classroom sessions will build on each other through the week, providing a thorough exposure to many examples, techniques, materials, and designs.

2 shafts, 2 blocks, 2 treadles
2 shafts, 2 blocks, 2 treadles
planets: 8 shafts, 8 treadles
planets: 8 shafts, 8 treadles

Register now

Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)

Max enrollment: 4–6 (depending on loom requirements)

Location: Farmhouse

Course fee: $1100 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)

Materials fee: by weight

Days offered: Five-day session, Mon–Fri

Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exception: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00.

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