Vävstuga Projects
A handwoven rug gives you delight both at the loom and in your home. If you have attended a class with us before and walked upon our floors, you will see some of your old friends here.
Choose your own colors in our Yarn Playground to match your decor and add a spark of cheer to your floors. Since most of our selections below are rep rugs, you could also look on our easy rep and fancy rep pages for other patterns that could be adapted to rug making.
4 shafts
4 treadles
138 ends (or you choose)
46 cm wide (or you choose)
8/3 linen rug warp
border squares
8 shafts
8 treadles
1608 ends
67 cm wide in reed
8/2 cotton warp
green with envy
4 shafts
4 treadles
2528 ends
70 cm wide in reed
16/2 cotton warp
cheerful rep
6 shafts
6 treadles
2528 ends (approx)
70 cm wide in reed (approx)
16/2 cotton warp
black & tan diamond
4 shafts
4 treadles
1692 ends
70 cm wide in reed
8/2 cotton warp
Daldräll rep
4 shafts
4 treadles
1266 ends
63 cm wide in reed
16/2 cotton warp
monksbelt circles
8 shafts
8 treadles
2476 ends
75 cm wide in reed
16/2 cotton warp
navy blocks
4 shafts
4 treadles
1200 ends
55 cm wide in reed
16/2 cotton warp
open rep #1
4 shafts
4 treadles
492 ends
49 cm wide in reed
12/6 cotton rug warp
eye of the goose
4 shafts
4 treadles
1176 ends
49 cm wide in reed
8/2 cotton warp
blocky blue
4 shafts
4 treadles
936 ends
39 cm wide in reed
8/2 cotton warp
north east south west
8 shafts
8 treadles
1544 ends
64 cm wide in reed
16/2 cotton warp
open rep #2
4 shafts
4 treadles
600 ends
60 cm wide in reed
12/6 cotton rug warp
3 or 4 shafts
3 treadles
203 ends
68 cm wide in reed
8/3 linen rug warp
(also check our rosepath page)
dubbelbindning setting
border squares
border squares setting
green with envy
green with envy setting
cheerful rep
cheerful rep setting
black & tan diamond
diamond setting
Daldräll rep
Daldräll rep setting
monksbelt circles
monksbelt circles setting
navy blocks
navy blocks setting
open rep #1
open rep #1 setting
eye of the goose
eye of the goose setting
blocky blue
blocky blue setting
north east south west
north setting
open rep #2
open rep #2 setting
krokbragd setting