(2023) Mönster Parti

Unlocking the secrets of block patterns and profile drafts

Instructor: Becky Ashenden

Dates offered 2023:Oct 23–27

Check our Calendar if you’re curious about other classes held concurrently.

Take your weaving exploration and design to a whole new level by learning to use a single profile draft for many different weave structures. Our woven projects and daily theory lessons will expose you to the endless variations that become possible when you change the profile tie-up within any one weave structure.

The structures

  • myggtjäll
  • half satin
  • sword damask
  • taqueté
  • rep
  • shadow weave
  • double weave

The tie-ups

  • countermarch
  • damask pulleys
  • skeleton tie-up
  • counterbalance


Monday morning will be spent threading (partially done ahead), sleying, and tying up your half-satin pillow-cover warp on your own loom for the week. The other looms will already be threaded and tied up before you get here to maximize your time. Once you get started and comfortable with your own loom we will start to rotate around on the other projects, which will be set up ahead of time. You will always have your loom available to work on between the other projects, relieving the time pressure of a scheduled rotation.

Daily theory lessons will focus on analyzing profile drafts and profile tie-ups. Exercises in creating threadings, treadlings, and tie-ups for different structures using one profile draft will give you the confidence to create your own unique patterns, or adapt existing patterns to other structures.

We will explore how changing the profile tie-up can produce endless design variations. You will learn how to derive tie-ups from profile tie-ups for the weave structures used in class, and get plenty of practice charting them out.

In Swedish, a mönster is a pattern, and a parti is a block. If you want there to be monsters too, you may need to bring your own.

(monster art by anggar3ind, freepik)

Mönster Parti course

from one profile

Mönster Parti course

to (too?) many patterns

Mönster Parti course

sword damask

Mönster Parti course

profile tie-up variations

Mönster Parti course

half satin

Mönster Parti course

profile tie-up variations

Mönster Parti course

taqueté ruglet

Mönster Parti course

rep, shadow weave, double weave

Mönster Parti course

myggtjäll profile tie-up I

Mönster Parti course

myggtjäll profile tie-up II

Prerequisites: Vävstuga Basics (Why does everyone need Basics?)

Max enrollment: 4

Course fee: $950 (includes all instruction and studio time, course handouts, lunch Mon–Fri, dinner Thu)

Materials fee: $65

Days offered: Five-day session, Monday–Friday

Schedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Exceptions: on the last day, instruction ends at noon, and checkout must be completed by 3:00. Once a session begins, the Barn studio is available at all hours.

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