We plan to announce our 2018 Class Calendar in the September Newsletter!
We appreciate your patience as we finalize some details. We are excited to share next year’s classes with all of you!
August Happenings:
Linens: Seed to Cloth Class
We had a wonderful group of weavers last week out at the Barn Studio where linen prefers the humidity. Emily Gwynn, a prior apprentice at Vävstuga, took advantage of the drawloom time to weave her logo for Hands to Work (see below).
And a special thank you to Jean Neilson who took these great pictures when she wasn’t harvesting, hackling, spinning or weaving linen!
Apprentice Reunion
Several of Vävstuga’s apprentices came together at the Farm Studio for a retreat this past weekend. Catching up, sharing their recent projects, weaving in the barn, and some meeting for the first time. An important part of Vävstuga’s history, we appreciate all that our apprentices continue to do and we enjoy our relationships with all of them!
Fall Classes
As we launch into the 15-week Väv Immersion Program next week, we have just a few openings in our limited fall classes:
One-Day Wonders have a few days available during the weeks of September 19-22, October 24-27, and November 28-December 1. Call or email the office to see if an available day works for your schedule.
Scandinavian Knitting with Beth Brown-Reinsel, November 1-3
Come learn how to weave the NORWEGIAN FANA CARDIGAN!
Birch Bark StarOrnament with Elaine Moe on Friday, December 1, 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Please call or email the office to register for this fun afternoon workshop!
Stay tuned for our 2018 class schedule announcement!
Join us at Vävstuga for a great class, visit our store (Tues–Fri 9–3) or our web store any time, and check out our Facebook page and Ravelry group.