I am about 9 months behind on presenting my “annual” video exhibit of weavings done within the last year. This means it’s closer to 18 months or more of my weaving that I have managed to squeeze into corners of time here and there while keeping everything else going. There are some fun things in this go-around, so I hope you enjoy the show.
Rag rug Warps-to-Go
Would you like the convenience of purchasing a warp for rag rugs made from our stellar quality 12/6 Swedish cotton rug warp? When woven under tight tension and with a hard beat, your rug will not buckle or ripple, but always lie flat and firm on the floor. Go for a simple natural warp, choose from our equestrian line (these samples and more), or invent your own colorway. So much opportunity for design, and making good use of cast-off clothing and other textile goods.
rag rug Warps-to-Go
natural unbleached
Morgan colorway
Mustang colorway
Percheron colorway
Väv Immersion final application deadline
Final applications for our 8-week intensive Väv Immersion 2022 are due March 14. This in-depth program reinforces the historic lineage of Scandinavian hand weaving through a range of educational opportunities including: personalized instruction with master weavers, hands-on production of numerous textile projects, attendance at intimately-sized classes that focus on an extensive array of skills, and connection to Immersion alumni from past years to build out your network and for learning how to move into this field as a professional.
Melvenea’s blog — an enthusiastic account from one of the weavers in our 2021 cohort
Melvenea in Väv Immersion 2021Väv Immersion 2022 – details and application
Cute new cabin
We are eager to share with you photos of our newest member of our village, “The Bear Den,” which has just arrived recently. The delivery guy was pleased to be rewarded with cookies after his adventure on the roof to install the cupola.
If any of you still need to figure out lodging (or want to switch) and think this adorable little abode looks appealing, please contact us to reserve your space. (It’s still so new that it’s not listed in our lodging options document yet — it will be getting a new floor next week!) It will be double-occupancy.
the new cabin arrivesinstalling the weathervanesunny locationfriendly neighborhood