Construction fundraising update
We have begun to send out our first round of letters to what we hope are our foundational donors for our Barn Raising Capital Campaign. These letters are being sent to previous contributors and friends, in hopes they will help us to launch Vävstuga’s vision for the future. We hope to begin site clearing and excavation in the next few weeks, with construction to begin in the fall.
If you’re interested in contributing to our campaign and haven’t been contacted, please call us at (413) 625-8241. We will be following up with a GoFundMe effort beginning this summer.

Spring yarn sale, May 26 to June 2
Our annual spring yarn sale offers 20% off in-stock yarn orders placed in our online store, with gratitude for your business and friendship. The sale begins on Sunday, May 26th at 12:01am and ends on Sunday, June 2 at 11:59pm. We’ll contact you if any items are out of stock.

Class openings
We still have a limited few spaces remaining for our 2024 weaving season:
- 5/13-17 – Open Rep with Rags
- 6/3-7 – Gamp Camp
- 8/5-9 – Bound Plattväv & Rya Variations with Åsa Viksten Strömbom
- 8/12-16 – Vävstuga Bandloom
- 8/12-16 – Bandfest
Special project opportunity
We have a little bit more of this Jämtlandsdräll tablecloth warp left (see Eric’s stunning tablecloth in the class projects below). If you are interested in scheduling a week to come and weave this, contact us now!
New Yarn-in-a-Jar: 33/2 Cottolin
Our new 33/2 Cottolin Yarn-in-a-Jar contains 100 luscious colors. Garnhuset’s cottolin is a beautiful blend of 60% cotton, 40% linen. This fine weight is an excellent choice for many kinds of lighter textiles including clothing, table linens, and coverlets. Our Yarn-in-a-Jar is an excellent solution for those of you who want to do some serious designing.
Bettie and Barbara and Dave
On Wednesday April 24, the stars aligned to have our three most recent business managers on site together: Bettie, Barbara (the new Bettie), and Dave (the new Barbara).
Recent class activity
We’ve recently hosted Vävstuga Projects, the first of two back-to-back Drawloom ABC sessions, and Book Nook.
(available as a Warp to Go)
(available as a Vävstuga Project)
(available as a Warp to Go)
(available as a Warp to Go)
(available as a special project—see above)
(available as a Vävstuga Project)