Vävstuga Projects
We offer you here some of our favorite bands from the astoundingly large world of band weaving techniques. Whether weaving on a rigid heddle, band loom, or floor loom, these intricate patterns keep your brain engaged and your aesthetic sensibilities nurtured. (Want to come weave bands for just one or two days? See bottom of page for special pricing.)
Bands on a rigid heddle
(Mon and/or Tue)
special one-day session
no prerequisite
You will start with a plain weave band on a rigid heddle to achieve comfort with the basic skills of making a nice selvage, and packing the weft to achieve a uniform width.
Then try your hand at a patterned pick-up band and see the patterns appear.
Those interested in learning how to set up a rigid heddle will be coached on how we do that here, so you can go home and continue the fun.
Mora band loom
special two-day session
no prerequisite
Becky studied with Mora Band author Barbro Wallin to learn the details of setting up this special kind of band loom with its pattern-saving lashes.
Learn how to weave these intricate designs doing the careful pickup for each pattern row only once, and then retrieving the patterns as needed for weaving the band.
Fancy pattern pickup bands on a floor loom
(full week)
prerequisite: Vävstuga Basics
Here is an opportunity to learn our special technique developed here at Vävstuga to weave wide and intricately patterned bands with easy visibility on a floor loom. We can also show you how to weave a plain weave band on a floor loom, such as the band we use to adorn our sheepskin-backed coverlets.
On Monday you will choose your band project and colors, wind your warp on a mill, and set up the loom. You will have plenty of time to settle into the project to achieve satisfying selvages and an even pattern motif, and you’ll go home with a long and lovely woven band.

Special pricing for band projects: one-day $115, two-day $230