“one-room schoolhouse” setting offers simple, beautiful projects accessible to new weavers
Instructor: Becky Ashenden
Dates offered 2022: Call or email us to schedule.
Easy projects with only 2 treadles
See our beautiful towel warps below. These warps come and go so fast that we are not able to promise any particular color at any given time. We assure you that all of our towel warps are beautiful and equally fun to weave on!
Whether you have ever woven before or not, indulge yourself with a day at Vävstuga. We welcome you to come and weave on one of our sturdy Swedish looms to make something beautiful in an inspirational environment.
These quick and easy projects will usually have a dedicated loom available during our class sessions. Here you can rub elbows with our more experienced weavers while you enjoy your own project for the day.
Endless possibilities of weft striping for your weaving pleasure.
No experience needed.
Towel projects
- Weave: plain weave
- Warp: 22/2 cottolin
- Weft: 22/2 cottolin
or 8 tow linen - Width: 40 cm +/–
Prerequisites: none
Session fee: $85 per day (includes lunch)
Materials fee: $13 per meter woven
For more detail: See also costs & logistics, food & accommodations
logistics, food & accommodationsSchedule: Instruction time 9:00–noon and 1:30–4:00. Checkout must be completed by 3:00 (you will provide your woven length for checkout).